I’m (very) new to this field, so apologies if this question has a well-known
answer. I’m interested in trying to match human impressions of animal noises to
recordings of the animals themselves, in an automated way. This seems to fall
halfway between normal bioacoustic matching algorithms and human speech
recognition. For example, I imagine that most birdsong algorithms take account
of absolute pitch, whereas a human impression will clearly be of a radically
different pitch.
Visual inspection of spectrograms of animal sounds and my impressions of them
implies that this should be doable (I’ve put up some pictures at
http://yanwong.me/?p=873). I was wondering whether to take a generic approach,
using some sort of measure of joint entropy of the human-impression spectrogram
and the real-animal spectrogram. Does anyone have any pointers as to software
libraries that might be useful to me? Most of the pointers to online software
seem to be to interactive programs, whereas I’m looking for libraries of
statistical sound-analysis algorithms that I can modify, for example written
for R, Matlab, or whatever.
Yan Wong