A 3yr PhD studentship (fully funded for UK/EU students, fee waivers available
for exceptional non-EU candidates) is available at the Sea Mammal Research Unit
(SMRU), University of St Andrews, to work on a collaborative project with
Marine Scotland Science (MSS) looking at marine mammal habitat use along the
east coast of Scotland using passive acoustic monitoring. The student will use
data collected from arrays of acoustic loggers deployed as on-going projects
with both SMRU and MSS designed to monitor the impact of offshore wind energy
developments on marine mammals
(http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/0042/00426891.pdf). The student will need
to develop methods for handling large amounts of acoustic data from various
sources, detecting marine mammal vocalisations in that data, and for analysing
detections statistically in ways that account for issues such as temporal
Experience with acoustic analysis, particularly in Matlab, and statistical
modelling, particularly in R, are desirable, as is evidence of effective
communication across a range of stakeholders, as the project will involve close
collaboration with Marine Scotland Science and potentially feed into offshore
energy development policy. The student will work under the supervision of Dr
Luke Rendell (SMRU) and Dr Kate Brookes (MSS). Interested candidates should
send a cover letter and CV to and
by 31st December 2013.
Dr. Luke Rendell
MASTS Lecturer (masts.ac.uk)
Tel: (44)(0)1334 463499
WWW: http://bio.st-andrews.ac.uk/staff/ler4.htm
School of Biology, University of St. Andrews
Sir Harold Mitchell Building,
St. Andrews, Fife
KY16 9TH
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland (SC013532)