Discovery of Sound in the Sea (DOSITS; is one of the most comprehensive Internet resources on underwater sound. The DOSITS website and its associated educational materials introduce the science and uses of underwater sound and provide easy, accurate access to peer-reviewed content on the effects of underwater sound on marine animals.
The DOSITS team is excited to announce that the DOSITS Booklet, a 16-page publication based on the DOSITS website, is now available in Spanish. A
pdf version of the Spanish booklet,
El Descubrimiento del Sonido en el Mar, is now available for download in the the
Resources section of the DOSITS website.
In addition to the Spanish booklet, a new, inquiry-based activity is also available.
Sound Off! incorporates the science of underwater sound, including sound movement and measurement, into an interactive game. Objectives of the activity include learning how underwater sound is visualized, recognizing the differences between sounds, and understanding how sound can help scientists explore the ocean.
The information presented on the DOSITS website and its associated educational materials is based on published, scientific research, and all content has undergone a thorough review by a panel of scientific experts. The DOSITS website has been developed and produced by the University of Rhode Island's (URI) Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO) in partnership with Marine Acoustics, Inc. (MAI), with support from the Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service.