The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 130
Issue: 5
Nov. 2011
Description of sounds recorded from Longman's beaked whale, Indopacetus
Shannon Rankin, Simone Baumann-Pickering, Tina Yack, and Jay Barlow
pp. EL339-EL344
Low frequency narrow-band calls in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus):
Signal properties, function, and conservation implications
Peter Simard, Natalija Lace, Shannon Gowans, Ester Quintana-Rizzo, Stan A.
Kuczaj, II, Randall S. Wells, and David A. Mann
pp. 3068-3076
Characteristics of biosonar signals from the northern bottlenose whale,
Hyperoodon ampullatus
Magnus Wahlberg, Kristian Beedholm, Anders Heerfordt, and Bertel Mohl
pp. 3077-3084
Similarities in echolocation strategy and click characteristics between a
Pseudorca crassidens and a Tursiops truncatus
Stuart D. Ibsen, Jacqueline Krause-Nehring, Paul E. Nachtigall, Whitlow W. L.
Au, and Marlee Breese
pp. 3085-3089
Source level reduction and sonar beam aiming in landing big brown bats
(Eptesicus fuscus)
Jens C. Koblitz, Peter Stilz, Wiebke Pflasterer, Mariana L. Melcon, and
Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler
pp. 3090-3099
Effects of noise levels and call types on the source levels of killer whale
Marla M. Holt, Dawn P. Noren, and Candice K. Emmons
pp. 3100-3106
A re-evaluation of auditory filter shape in delphinid odontocetes: Evidence of
constant-bandwidth filters
D. W. Lemonds, L. N. Kloepper, P. E. Nachtigall, W. W. L. Au, S. A. Vlachos,
and B. K. Branstetter
pp. 3107-3114
Effects of auditory recognition learning on the perception of vocal features in
European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
C. Daniel Meliza
pp. 3115-3123
Subjective loudness level measurements and equal loudness contours in a
bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
James J. Finneran and Carolyn E. Schlundt
pp. 3124-3136
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