The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 129
Issue: 5
May 2011
Fly-ear inspired micro-sensor for sound source localization in two dimensions
A. P. Lisiewski, H. J. Liu, M. Yu, L. Currano, and D. Gee
pp. EL166-EL171
A generalized baleen whale call detection and classification system
Mark F. Baumgartner and Sarah E. Mussoline
pp. 2889-2902
Note types and coding in Parid vocalizations: The chick-a-dee call of the
boreal chickadee (Poecile hudsonicus)
Michele K. Moscicki, Marisa Hoeschele, Laurie L. Bloomfield, Maria Modanu,
Isabelle Charrier, and Christopher B. Sturdy
pp. 3327-3340
Acoustic variability and social significance of calls in female Campbell's
monkeys (Cercopithecus campbelli campbelli)
A. Lemasson and M. Hausberger
pp. 3341-3352
Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) boings detected at the Station ALOHA
Cabled Observatory
Julie N. Oswald, Whitlow W. L. Au, and Fred Duennebier
pp. 3353-3360
Bat noseleaf model: Echolocation function, design considerations, and
experimental verification
Roman Kuc
pp. 3361-3366
Signal-to-noise ratio for source determination and for a comodulated masker in
goldfish, Carassius auratus
Richard R. Fay
pp. 3367-3372
Relative salience of envelope and fine structure cues in zebra finch song
Beth A. Vernaleo and Robert J. Dooling
pp. 3373-3383
Identification of auditory distance cues by zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
and budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus)
Kelly E. Radziwon, Thomas E. Welch, Jarrod P. Cone, and Micheal L. Dent
pp. 3384-3392
Hearing thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for sweeps (12 kHz
and 67 kHz bands) mimicking naval sonar signals
Ronald A. Kastelein, Lean Hoek, and Christ A. F. de Jong
pp. 3393-3399
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