J. J. Meager, P. Rodewald, P. Domenici, A. Fernö, T. Järvi, J. E.
Skjæraasen, and G. K. Sverdrup (2011): Behavioural responses of
hatchery-reared and wild cod Gadus morhua to mechano-acoustic predator
signals. J. Fish Biol. 78 (5), 1437-1450.
Abstract: The behavioural responses of wild (predator-experienced) and
hatchery-reared (predator-naive) cod Gadus morhua to standardized
mechano-acoustic (MA) stimuli were compared in the laboratory. Wild fish
responded mainly with freezing and fast-start escapes away from the
stimulus, whereas hatchery-reared fish often ignored or approached the
stimulus. Wild fish also had stronger responses, turning faster during
escapes and reducing activity immediately after the stimulus. Both fish
types were less active on a ?risky? bare substratum after the stimulus. The
antipredator responses of wild fish were consistent to repeated stimuli,
whereas hatchery-reared fish that had generally only encountered harmless
stimuli showed more variable responses with lower repeatability. This
suggests that experience plays a role in shaping the behavioural response of
fishes to MA stimuli.
For reprints please contact J. J. Meager (email:
Kind regards
Dr. Sonja Amoser
Steinrieglstraße 286
3400 Weidlingbach