The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 127
Issue: 5
May 2010
A real-time method for autonomous passive acoustic detection-classification of
humpback whales
Ted A. Abbot, Vincent E. Premus, and Philip A. Abbot
pp. 2894-2903
Sound source localization by the plainfin midshipman fish, Porichthys notatus
David G. Zeddies, Richard R. Fay, Peter W. Alderks, Kiel S. Shaub, and Joseph
A. Sisneros
pp. 3104-3113
[patent] Toy for animals
Claudius Jager
p. 3291
[description: "Basically, this patent describes the physical design of a squeak
toy for
dogs. When the dog bites down, air is expelled through a nozzle that will
produce a squeak. In this case, the mechanical design is important to increase
interest (and also roll on the floor)."]
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