I am new to this mailing list. I am a marine geophysicist by training
in the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington who has
fairly recently started working using seafloor seismic networks to track
baleen whales. I am looking for a new PhD graduate student in this
field. The School of Oceanography has an active Biological Oceanography
program but it is known for studies of small organisms and thus, grad
students interested in marine bioacoustics would be unlikely to look to
the School for opportunities. If you know of any potential graduate
students who might be interested in my research, please point them in my
My personal web site which describes all my research including this
opportunity is at
The School of Oceanography web site is at
William Wilcock
William S. D. Wilcock Office: MSB 126
School of Oceanography Tel: 206-543-6043
University of Washington Fax: 206-543-0275
Box 357940
Seattle WA 98195-7940 http://gore.ocean.washington.edu