A.N. Popper and M.C. Hastings (2009): The
effects of anthropogenic sources of sound on fishes. J. Fish Biol., 75(3),
Abstract: There is increasing concern about
the effects of pile driving and other anthropogenic (human-generated) sound on
fishes. Although there is a growing body of reports examining this issue,
little of the work is found in the peer-reviewed literature. This review
critically examines both the peer-reviewed and 'grey' literature, with the goal
of determining what is known and not known about effects on fish. A companion
piece provides an analysis of the available data and applies it to estimate
noise exposure criteria for pile driving and other impulsive sounds. The
critical literature review concludes that very little is known about effects of
pile driving and other anthropogenic sounds on fishes, and that it is not yet
possible to extrapolate from one experiment to other signal parameters of the
same sound, to other types of sounds, to other effects, or to other species.
URL: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/122599676/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0
For reprints please contact Art Popper
Kind regards
Sonja Amoser