The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 125
Issue: 4
April 2009
Laboratory investigation of the acoustic response of seagrass tissue in the
frequency band 0.5-2.5 kHz
Preston S. Wilson and Kenneth H. Dunton
pp. 1951-1959
Estimating cetacean population density using fixed passive acoustic sensors: An
example with Blainville's beaked whales
Tiago A. Marques, Len Thomas, Jessica Ward, Nancy DiMarzio, and Peter L. Tyack
pp. 1982-1994
Forward-masking based gain control in odontocete biosonar: An evoked-potential
Alexander Ya. Supin, Paul E. Nachtigall, and Marlee Breese
pp. 2432-2442
Modeling cumulative sound exposure around marine seismic surveys
Christine Erbe and Andrew R. King
pp. 2443-2451
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