The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 125
Issue: 3
March 2009
Off-axis effects on the multi-pulse structure of sperm whale coda clicks
Tyler M. Schulz, Hal Whitehead, and Luke Rendell
pp. 1768-1773
Geographic variation in Northwest Atlantic fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
song: Implications for stock structure assessment
Julien Delarue, Sean K. Todd, Sofie M. Van Parijs, and Lucia Di Iorio
pp. 1774-1782
Feeding at a high pitch: Source parameters of narrow band, high-frequency
clicks from echolocating off-shore hourglass dolphins and coastal Hector's
Line A. Kyhn, J. Tougaard, F. Jensen, M. Wahlberg, G. Stone, A. Yoshinaga, K.
Beedholm, and P. T. Madsen
pp. 1783-1791
Asymmetries in the individual distinctiveness and maternal recognition of
infant contact calls and distress screams in baboons
Drew Rendall, Hugh Notman, and Michael J. Owren
pp. 1792-1805
Manatee (Trichechus manatus) vocalization usage in relation to environmental
noise levels
Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds and Peter L. Tyack
pp. 1806-1815
Predicting temporary threshold shifts in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops
truncatus): The effects of noise level and duration
T. Aran Mooney, Paul E. Nachtigall, Marlee Breese, Stephanie Vlachos, and
Whitlow W. L. Au
pp. 1816-1826
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