Bioacoustic articles in Animal Behaviour and Ethology, March 2008.
Animal Behaviour
Volume 75, Issue 3, Pages 743-1196
Relating visual and vocal attractiveness for moving and static faces. 2008.
Karen Lander
Animal Behaviour, 75, 817-822.
The sensory basis of prey detection in captive-born grey mouse lemurs,
Microcebus murinus. 2008. Marcus Piep, Ute Radespiel, Elke Zimmermann,
Sabine Schmidt and Björn M. Siemers. Animal Behaviour, 75, 871-878.
The information banded mongooses extract from heterospecific alarms. 2008.
Corsin A. Müller and Marta B. Manser. Animal Behaviour, 75, 897-904.
Acoustic territorial signalling in a small, socially monogamous canid. 2008.
Safi K. Darden and Torben Dabelsteen. Animal Behaviour, 75, 905-912.
Effect of local spatial cues in small-scale orientation of flower bats.
2008. Ulf Toelch, Kai Petra Stich, Clifton Lee Gass and York Winter. Animal
Behaviour, 75, 913-920.
The audience effect in a facultatively social mammal, the yellow mongoose,
Cynictis penicillata. 2008. Aliza le Roux, Michael I. Cherry and Marta B.
Manser. Animal Behaviour, 75, 943-949.
Dawn song of the eastern kingbird: an honest signal of male quality? 2008.
Michael T. Murphy, Karen Sexton, Amy C. Dolan and Luke J. Redmond. Animal
Behaviour, 75,1075-1084.
A new perspective on acoustic individual recognition in animals with limited
call sharing or changing repertoires. 2008. Elizabeth J.S. Fox. Animal
Behaviour, 75,1187-1194.
Volume 114, Issue 3 Pages 209-312
Female Mate Choice, Calling Song and Genetic Variance in the Cricket,
Gryllodes sigillatus. 2008. Jocelyn Champagnon and Raúl Cueva del Castillo.
Ethology, 114, 223?230.
Spectral Overlap in Songs and Temporal Avoidance in a Peruvian Bird
Assemblage. 2008. Robert Planqué and Hans Slabbekoorn. Ethology, 114,
I.C. Van Opzeeland
Alfred Wegener Institute
for Polar and Marine Research
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