The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 122
Issue: 6
Dec. 2007
Assessing a dual-frequency identification sonars' fish-counting accuracy,
precision, and turbid river range capability
Suzanne L. Maxwell, Nancy E. Gove
pp. 3364--3377
Seasonal variability and detection range modeling of baleen whale calls in
the Gulf of Alaska, 1999--2002
Kathleen M. Stafford, David K. Mellinger, Sue E. Moore, Christopher G. Fox
pp. 3378--3390
The Franssen effect illusion in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) and
zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Micheal L. Dent, Elizabeth M. McClaine, Thomas E. Welch
pp. 3609--3614
Detection and discrimination of simple and complex sounds by
hearing-impaired Belgian Waterslager canaries
Amanda M. Lauer, Robert J. Dooling, Marjorie R. Leek, Kirsten Poling
pp. 3615--3627
Intra- and intergroup vocal behavior in resident killer whales, Orcinus orca
Brigitte M. Weiss, Helena Symonds, Paul Spong, Friedrich Ladich
pp. 3710--3716
Flying big brown bats emit a beam with two lobes in the vertical plane
Kaushik Ghose, Cynthia F. Moss, Timothy K. Horiuchi
pp. 3717--3724
Short- and long-term changes in right whale calling behavior: The potential
effects of noise on acoustic communication
Susan E. Parks, C. W. Clark, P. L. Tyack
pp. 3725--3731
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