The full report "Automatic Detection of Cerulean Warblers using Autonomous
Recording Units and Song Scope Bioacoustics Software" is available at
The US Forest Service, San Dimas Technology and Development Center (SDTDC),
in cooperation with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Bioacoustics Research
Program (CLO, BRP) and Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. (WLA) is investigating means
to promote bioacoustic technology as a cost-effective tool for the inventory
and monitoring of forest wildlife. Researchers in the eastern US are
actively engaging in extensive inventory and monitoring efforts of the
Cerulean warbler, as past surveys indicate the population of this species
has undergone a steady decline over the past 30 years.
Wildlife Acoustics Song Scope software was used to automatically locate and
detect Cerulean vocalizations from over 250 hours of field recordings made
in 9 different known and potential Cerulean warbler (Dendrocia cerulea)
--Ian Agranat, President
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
+1 978 369 5225