The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 122
Issue: 4
Oct. 2007
Differential reductions in acoustic startle document the discrimination of
speech sounds in rats
Owen R. Floody, Michael P. Kilgard
pp. 1884--1887
Sperm whale three-dimensional track, swim orientation, beam pattern, and
click levels observed on bottom-mounted hydrophones
Eva-Marie Nosal, L. Neil Frazer
pp. 1969--1978
Sound pressure distribution and power flow within the gerbil ear canal from
100 Hz to 80 kHz
Michael E. Ravicz, Elizabeth S. Olson, John J. Rosowski
pp. 2154--2173
Phantom echo highlight amplitude and temporal difference resolutions of an
echolocating dolphin, Tursiops truncatus
Mark W. Muller, Whitlow W. L. Au, Paul E. Nachtigall, John S. Allen, III,
Marlee Breese
pp. 2255--2262
Underwater localization of pure tones by harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)
Anais Bodson, Lars Miersch, Guido Dehnhardt
pp. 2263--2269
Measuring fish abundance in a weir trap using an acoustical-optical platform
Jennifer L. Miksis-Olds, Kevin D. E. Stokesbury
pp. 2431--2438
Changes in signal parameters over time for an echolocating Atlantic
bottlenose dolphin performing the same target discrimination task
Stuart D. Ibsen, Whitlow W. L. Au, Paul E. Nachtigall, Caroline M. DeLong,
Marlee Breese
pp. 2446--2450
Feature weighting in ``chick-a-dee'' call notes of Poecile atricapillus
Carly M. Nickerson, Laurie L. Bloomfield, Michael R. W. Dawson, Isabelle
Charrier, Christopher B. Sturdy
pp. 2451--2458
Representing multiple discrimination cues in a computational model of the
bottlenose dolphin auditory system
Brian K. Branstetter, Eduardo Mercado, III, Whitlow L. Au
pp. 2459--2468
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