Here are the responses to my query about power inverters:
1- Try the Prosine model from Xantrex: (J. Gordon and
also J. Potter)
2- Try a DC-to-DC converter for input voltages between 15-32 V.
(J.F. Julien)
3- Try to put the inverter far away into a Faraday box. (A. Gannier)
4- Try Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and try to increase the output
filtering. Then tune all connections, grounds, ground loops, etc. to
minimize noise. If you can, use balanced lines for your signals.
(G. Pavan)
Thank you all!
Manuel Castellote
Responsable Área de Investigación / Research coordinator L'Oceanogràfic.
Grupo Parques Reunidos. Ciutat de les Arts i de les Ciències.
Teléfono: (+ 34) 96 1975500
Fax: (+34) 96 1975510
L?Oceanogràfic. Grupo Parques Reunidos Valencia.
C/. Junta de Murs i Valls, s/n. 46013. Valencia. España