The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 120
Issue: 6
Dec. 2006
High-frequency hearing in phocid and otariid pinnipeds: An interpretation
based on inertial and cochlear constraints
Simo Hemila, Sirpa Nummela, Annalisa Berta, Tom Reuter
pp. 3463--3466
L1,L2 maps of distortion-product otoacoustic emissions from a moth ear with
only two auditory receptor neurons
Manfred Kossl, Frank Coro
pp. 3822--3831
Whistle variability in South Atlantic spinner dolphins from the Fernando de
Noronha Archipelago off Brazil
Fernanda S. Camargo, Mario M. Rollo, Jr., Viviana Giampaoli, Claudio Bellini
pp. 4071--4079
Cepstral coefficients and hidden Markov models reveal idiosyncratic voice
characteristics in red deer (Cervus elaphus) stags
David Reby, Regine Andre-Obrecht, Arnaud Galinier, Jerome Farinas, Bruno
pp. 4080--4089
Variation in the hearing sensitivity of a dolphin population determined
through the use of evoked potential audiometry
Dorian S. Houser, James J. Finneran
pp. 4090--4099
Modeling acoustic propagation of airgun array pulses recorded on tagged
sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)
Stacy L. DeRuiter, Peter L. Tyack, Ying-Tsong Lin, Arthur E. Newhall, James
F. Lynch, Patrick J. O. Miller
pp. 4100--4114
[patent] Fish-bite indicator
Clifford Royston Fox
p. 3448
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