The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 120
Issue: 5
Nov. 2006
An investigation into the effects of underwater piling noise on
Jeremy R. Nedwell, Andrew W. H. Turnpenny, Jonathan M. Lovell, Bryan
pp. 2550--2554
Using image processing to detect and classify narrow-band cricket and
frog calls
T. Scott Brandes, Piotr Naskrecki, Harold K. Figueroa
pp. 2950--2957
Detection of acoustic cavitation in the heart with microbubble
contrast agents in vivo: A mechanism for ultrasound-induced
Claudio Rota, Carol H. Raeman, Sally Z. Child, Diane Dalecki
pp. 2958--2964
Advantages of the Hilbert Huang transform for marine mammals signals
Olivier Adam
pp. 2965--2973
Semi-automatic classification of bird vocalizations using spectral
peak tracks
Zhixin Chen, Robert C. Maher
pp. 2974--2984
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