I have just published a brief blog entry that describes an
unusual gathering of southern resident orcas last fall. I'm
excited to share with you the underwater sounds made during the
event, which include an astounding synchronous call made my many
individuals without any obvious acoustic cue. The blog links to
video, underwater recordings, and photographs from the ceremony.
The "ceremony" was observed last October north of Pile Point on
the west side of San Juan Island (WA, USA). It was documented by
students of the Beam Reach (http://beamreach.org) marine
science and sustainability school. Please spread the word that
we are still accepting applications for the under/graduate
program this fall which will again focus on acoustic exploration
of orcas and their environment.
Best regards,
Dr. Scott Veirs
-- | 206.251.5554
6537 16th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98115