The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 119
Issue: 3
March 2006
[obituary] William Alfred Watkins, 1926--2004
p. 1295
Classification of vocalizations of killer whales using dynamic time warping
Judith C. Brown, Andrea Hodgins-Davis, Patrick J. O. Miller
pp. EL34--EL40
Acoustic detection and classification of microchiroptera using machine
learning: Lessons learned from automatic speech recognition
Mark D. Skowronski, John G. Harris
pp. 1817--1833
Information entropy of humpback whale songs
Ryuji Suzuki, John R. Buck, Peter L. Tyack
pp. 1849--1866
Acoustic features of objects matched by an echolocating bottlenose dolphin
Caroline M. DeLong, Whitlow W. L. Au, David W. Lemonds, Heidi E. Harley,
Herbert L. Roitblat
pp. 1867--1879
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