[This message is forwarded from the MARMAM list, and is posted here since the
job includes an acoustic component. Please reply to Dr. Thompson, not to me.
-Dave Mellinger]
We're currently recruiting a Post-doc Research Fellow to manage a Scottish
Executive-funded project on the abundance and population structure of
bottlenose dolphins around the Scottish coast. They will need a PhD in
biological science, and at least 3 years experience in conducting and
managing field-based research projects in marine ecology, ideally involving
marine mammals. This should include a proven ability to work in remote rural
areas, and of leading and motivating boat-based research teams. Experience
of the field and analytical techniques required to conduct
photo-identification, acoustic or aerial surveys would be advantageous.
Excellent writing, communication and networking skills, illustrated by a
strong publication record and evidence of effective communication with the
public and other stakeholders are also required.
The post will be based in our group at the University’s Lighthouse Field
Station in Cromarty (www.abdn.ac.uk/zoology/lighthouse) and the work will be
carried out in collaboration with Prof Philip Hammond at the Sea Mammal
Research Unit (http://smub.st-and.ac.uk/) and Dr Ben Wilson at the Scottish
Association of Marine Science (http://www.sams.ac.uk/)
Online application forms and further particulars are available from
www.abdn.ac.uk/jobs Alternatively email or telephone (01224)
272727 (24-hour answering service) quoting reference number YGP073R for an
application pack. The closing date for the receipt of applications is Monday
28 November 2005. The salary is £20,044 - £26,470 per annum
Professor Paul Thompson
University of Aberdeen
School of Biological Sciences
Lighthouse Field Station George Street, Cromarty, Ross-shire, IV11 8YJ
Phone: 01381600548
Fax:01381 600841