The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 118
Issue: 5
[book review]
Echolocation in Bat and Dolphins
Jeanette A. Thomas, Editor, Cynthia F. Moss, Editor, Marianne Vater, Editor,
Patrick W. Moore, Reviewer
pp. 2755--2756
Underwater temporary threshold shift in pinnipeds: Effects of noise level
and duration
David Kastak, Brandon L. Southall, Ronald J. Schusterman, Colleen Reichmuth
pp. 3154--3163
Off-axis effects on the multipulse structure of sperm whale usual clicks
with implications for sound production
Walter M. X. Zimmer, Peter T. Madsen, Valeria Teloni, Mark P. Johnson, Peter
L. Tyack
pp. 3337--3345
Source of the North Pacific ``boing'' sound attributed to minke whales
Shannon Rankin, Jay Barlow
pp. 3346--3351
Target representation of naturalistic echolocation sequences in single unit
responses from the inferior colliculus of big brown bats
Mark I. Sanderson, James A. Simmons
pp. 3352--3361
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