The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 118
Issue: 3
Sep. 2005
Target phase: An extra dimension for fish and plankton target identification
Richard Barr, Roger F. Coombs
pp. 1358--1371
Probability distributions for locations of calling animals, receivers, sound
speeds, winds, and data from travel time differences
John L. Spiesberger
pp. 1790--1800
Underwater hearing sensitivity of a male and a female Steller sea lion
(Eumetopias jubatus)
Ronald A. Kastelein, Robbert van Schie, Wim C. Verboom, Dick de Haan
pp. 1820--1829
Types, distribution, and seasonal occurrence of sounds attributed to Bryde's
whales (Balaenoptera edeni) recorded in the eastern tropical Pacific,
Sara L. Heimlich, David K. Mellinger, Sharon L. Nieukirk, Christopher G. Fox
pp. 1830--1837
[patent] Manatee vocalization detection method and system
Christopher A. Sermarini
p. 1261
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