The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume 118, Issue 1, 2005
On the performance of automated porpoise-click-detectors in experiments with
captive harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
Frank Thomsen, Niels van Elk, Vilmut Brock, Werner Piper
pp. 37--40
Auditory brainstem responses in the Eastern Screech Owl: An estimate of
auditory thresholds
Elizabeth F. Brittan-Powell, Bernard Lohr, D. Caldwell Hahn, Robert J.
pp. 314--321
Characterizing noise in nonhuman vocalizations: Acoustic analysis and human
perception of barks by coyotes and dogs
Tobias Riede, Brian R. Mitchell, Isao Tokuda, Michael J. Owren
pp. 514--522
Click rates and silences of sperm whales at Kaikoura, New Zealand
Lesley A. Douglas, Stephen M. Dawson, Nathalie Jaquet
pp. 523--529
Sound radiation around a flying fly
Jerome Sueur, Elizabeth J. Tuck, Daniel Robert
pp. 530--538
[patent] Manatee warning system
Christopher Niezrecki
p. 17
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