2nd International Workshop on Detection and Localization of Marine Mammals
using Passive Acoustics
Oceanographic Museum - MONACO
November 16-18, 2005
Please see this web page for more details:
After the successful first meeting in Halifax (Canada, 2003), the second
workshop will be held in Monaco. Please reserve 16th to 18th of November 2005
on your calendar, and bookmark the above page for more news in due course.
The purpose of the workshop is to present current research on the detection and
localization of marine mammals using passive acoustics. Researchers are invited
to present their scientific work, to detail the advantages and drawbacks of the
methods they use and to show their recent results through a practical approach.
The workshop encourages presentations from different fields. Scientific
researchers could include specialists in biology, acoustics, signal processing,
mathematics, electronics, computer science. Participation may be limited to
ensure a dynamic and interactive exchange. The workshop will be open to Masters
and PhD Students.
Workshop Schedule
The workshop consists of several sessions reserved for oral communications and
poster presentations. The last half-day will be reserved for the comparison of
all scientific methods presented using the same database of recorded odontocete
signals. This data set could be downloaded on this website.
Important Dates
October 1, 2005: deadline for abstract submission (300 words max)
October 15, 2005: Notification of Acceptance
November 16, 2005: Workshop starts
November 18, 2005: Workshop ends
This workshop is co-organized by iSnS (University Paris 12, France), CNRS Chizé
(CEBC, France), and ACCOBAMS.