Volume 116, Issue 5, Nov. 2004
Geometry of locating sounds from differences in travel time: Isodiachrons
John L. Spiesberger
pp. 3168--3177
The effect of recording and analysis bandwidth on acoustic identification of
delphinid species
Julie N. Oswald, Shannon Rankin, Jay Barlow
pp. 3178--3185
Measurement of an individual silver perch Bairdiella chrysoura sound
pressure level in a field recording
Mark W. Sprague, Joseph J. Luczkovich
pp. 3186--3191
How to measure information carried by a modulated vocal signature?
Amanda Searby, Pierre Jouventin
pp. 3192--3198
Drilling and operational sounds from an oil production island in the
ice-covered Beaufort Sea
Susanna B. Blackwell, Charles R. Greene, Jr. , W. John Richardson
pp. 3199--3211
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