a 1 month intensive postgraduate course on multivariate ordination methods
applied to diversity research at the Mexican Research Institution ECOSUR
For the latter course, I am gathering raw data sets from papers published in
the international literature and on the topics each of my student is working
which range from benthic ecology through forest succession to bird
conservation. Now, one of my students is working on bat bioacoustics in the
Yucatan Peninsula. I would like to enquire whether any bat researcher would
be willing to lend some raw data set to be used during this course, so that
my student can do some practical exercises on real data. If so, excel files
are the ideal format, while please accompany the data set with a copy or,
preferably if available, a pdf file of the paper in which the data was used.
Data sets combining vocalization and environmental data would be the best to
The data would indeed be used only for the academic purposes of the course
and I will be happy to provide you with any further information about the
course or you may wish to contact the ECOSUR postgraduate coordinator
(Dr Sophie Calmé, [EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Thanks in advance for your support.
Kind regards,
Salvador Herrando-Pérez MPhil. BSc.
Freelance aquatic researcher
C/ Padre Jofre 19, piso 3, pta 7
12006 Castellón de la Plana, SPAIN
Telephones +34 964038845 / +34 657787340