Volume: 116
Issue: 2
Broadband acoustic backscatter and high-resolution morphology of fish:
Measurement and modeling
D. Benjamin Reeder, J. Michael Jech, Timothy K. Stanton
pp. 747--761
Directional frequency and recording (DIFAR) sensors in seafloor recorders to
locate calling bowhead whales during their fall migration
Charles R. Greene, Jr., Miles Wm. McLennan, Robert G. Norman, Trent L.
McDonald, Ray S. Jakubczak, W. John Richardson
pp. 799--813
Amplification and spectral shifts of vocalizations inside burrows of the
frog Eupsophus calcaratus (Leptodactylidae)
Mario Penna
pp. 1254--1260
Repetition patterns in Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) underwater
multiple element calls
Hilary B. Moors, John M. Terhune
pp. 1261--1270
The effect of loading on disturbance sounds of the Atlantic croaker
Micropogonius undulatus: Air versus water
Michael L. Fine, Justin Schrinel, Timothy M. Cameron
pp. 1271--1275
[patent] Method of using sound for attracting and grading fish
Wendell Harold Noe
p. 636
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