I apologize to those who might have received this e-mail already. I would
like to thank everyone who took part in the spectrogram similarity
evaluations for their help and encourage you to visit the site
<a href="http://www.blackfish-acoustics.org/"
rel="nofollow">http://www.blackfish-acoustics.org/</a> once in a while to read
the latest
newsletter. I will provide updates on the test results to those who signed
up for the newsletter. In almost three weeks of running over 170 people have
logged on and 109 (64%) of those have done at least one test (20
evaluations). 58 test takers or 53% have done more than one test and a total
of 7680 comparable spectrogram evaluations have been made. I still would
appreciate any feedback that test takers might be able to provide regarding
the evaluations and web site. I will download the test results and clear the
file by the end of January 25th when I will make some changes to the help
files. The tests will then run for another 2 months after that. Thanks again
for your help.
Best regards,
Harald Yurk
Department of Zoology &
Marine Mammal Research Unit
University of British Columbia
6270 University Boulevard
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
phone: 604.787.4951
fax: 604.822.2416