Volume 115, Issue 1, January 2004
Reverberation and frequency attenuation in forests--implications for
acoustic communication in animals
Mark Padgham
pp. 402-410
Sex differences in the acoustic structure of vowel-like grunt
vocalizations in baboons and their perceptual discrimination by baboon
Drew Rendall, Michael J. Owren, Elise Weerts, Robert D. Hienz
pp. 411-421
Determination of West Indian manatee vocalization levels and rate
Richard Phillips, Christopher Niezrecki, Diedrich O. Beusse
pp. 422-428
Reply to the Comment on ``Multiple scattering in a reflecting cavity:
Application to fish scattering'' [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113:2978-2979
(2003)] (L)
Julien De Rosny, Philippe Roux
pp. 31-34
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