to report back. I have listed several web addresses below for those
interested. In general, most articles or site seem to dispel sound
repellants as marketing scam, both for moths and for bats. A google address
below addresses moths in greater detail, along with beavers, etc.
Exclusion seems the best method for bats, as they apparently adapt to
varying sound signals. Someone suggested radar jamming device, which did
seem to raise possibilities.
It occurs to me that attack on miller moths, the main attraction for the
bats, is a more likely approach. (My father would catch them with a vacuum
cleaner, and toss them out the door for the tanagers to catch mid-air; and,
our two bats we felt were very generous to allow us to share their
cabin.--so it is others in the mountain area that are becoming frustrated,
and wanting to resort to chemicals, etc).
Have not completely examined miller repellant, but one site suggested herbs.
At 9,300 feet this may not be feasible, but it has been an interesting
Thank you all for your assistance. I have learned of several bat web pages;
e.g., the international conservancy which is here in Austin, TX; and another
in Wisconsin. Oh, one is psychology of sound, which is a fascinating site
in itself. As a psychologist, I plan to explore.
Thanks again,
Don Logan
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An apology from the moderator: The spelling "repellent" was done by
me, the moderator of Bioacoustics-L. My spell-checker rejected
"repellant" when I was approving Mr. Logan's original posting, and
I unthinkingly clicked OK at the suggested replacement of "repellent."
I hereby apologize, Mr. Logan, for changing your (correct) spelling.
-Dave Mellinger