Aquatic Living Resources 16 (3), 2003, in press
Articles: <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09907440"
Acoustics in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology. Part 2
EDITORIAL by J. Massé, F. Gerlotto & D.N. MacLennan
FOREWORD by J. Massé & F. Gerlotto - Introducing Nature in fisheries
research: the use of underwater acoustics for an ecosystem approach
of fish population.
Gerlotto F., Paramo J. - The three dimensional morphology and internal
structure of clupeid schools as observed using vertical scanning
multibeam sonar.
Gimona A., Fernandes P.G. - A conditional simulation of acoustic
survey data: advantages and potential pitfalls.
Holliday D.V., Donaghay P.L., Greenlaw C.F., McGehee D.E., McManus
Sullivan J.M., Miksis J.L. - Advances in defining fine- and
micro-scale pattern in marine plankton.
Simard Y., Marcotte D., Naraghi K. - Three-dimensional acoustic
mapping and simulation of krill distribution in the Saguenay -
St. Lawrence Marine Park whale feeding ground.
Soria M., Bahri T., Gerlotto F. - Effect of external factors
(environment and survey vessel) on fish school characteristics
observed by echo-sounder and multibeam sonar in the Mediterranean Sea.
Getabu A., Tumwebaze R., MacLennan D.N.- Spatial distribution and
temporal changes in the fish populations of Lake Victoria.
Godlewska M., Swierzowski A. - Hydroacoustical parameters of fish in
reservoirs with contrasting levels of eutrophication.
Krumme U., Saint-Paul U. - Observation of fish migration in a
macrotidal mangrove channel in Northern Brazil using 200 kHz
split-beam sonar.
Lilja J., Keskine T., Marjomäki T.J., Valkeajärvi P., Karjalainen J. -
Upstream migration activity of cyprinids and percids in a channel,
monitored by a horizontal split-beam echo-sounder.
Taylor J.C., Rand P.S. - Spatial overlap and distribution of anchovies
(Anchoa spp.) and copepods in a shallow stratified estuary.
Bertrand A., Josse E., Bach P., Dagorn L.- Acoustics for ecosystem
research: lessons and perspectives from a scientific programme
focusing on tuna - environment relationships.
Hewitt R.P., Demer D.A., Emery J.H.-An eight-year cycle in krill
biomass density inferred from acoustic surveys conducted in the
vicinity of the South Shetland Island during the austral summers of
1991-92 through 2001-02.
Tegowski J., Gorska N. , Klusek Z.- Statistical analysis of acoustic
echoes from underwater meadows in the eutrophic Puck Bay (southern
Baltic Sea).
Komatsu T., Igarashi C., Tatsukawa K., Sultana S., Matsuoka Y., Harada
S.- Use of multi-beam sonar to map seagrass beds in Otsuchi Bay, on
the Sanriku Coast of Japan.
Ménard F., Marchal E. ? Foraging behaviour of tuna feeding on small
schooling Vinciguerria nimbaria in the surface layer of the equatorial
Atlantic Ocean.
Paramo J., Quiñones R.A., Ramirez A., Wiff R.- Relationship between
abundance of small pelagic fishes and environmental factors in the
Colombian Caribbean Sea: an analysis based on hydroacoustic
Thomas G.L., Thorne R.E.- Acoustical-optical assessment of Pacific
herring and their predator assemblage in Prince William Sound, Alaska.
Mitson R. B., Knudsen H. P. - Causes and effects of underwater noise
on fish abundance estimation.
Handegard N.O., Michalsen K., Tjoestheim D.- Avoidance behaviour in
cod (Gadus morhua) to a bottom-trawling vessel.
Wahlberg M., Westerberg H. - Sounds produced by herring (Clupea
harengus) bubble release.
Towler R.H., Jech J.M., Horne J.K.- Visualizing fish movement,
behavior, and acoustic backscatter.
Cardinale M., Casini M., Arrhenius F., Håkansson N.- Diel spatial
distribution and feeding activity of herring (Clupea harengus) and
sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in the Baltic Sea.
Klevjer T.A., Kaartvedt S. - Split-beam target tracking can be used to
study the swimming behaviour of deep-living plankton in situ.
Skaret G., Nøttestad L., Fernö A., Johannessen A., Axelsen B.E. -
Spawning of herring: day or night, today or tomorrow?
Beare D.J., Reid D.G., McKenzie E. -Fish schooling behaviour in the
northwest North Sea: interspecific associations measured by acoustic
Gregory J., Clabburn P.- Avoidance behaviour of Alosa fallax fallax to
pulsed ultrasound and its potential as a technique for monitoring
clupeid spawning migration in a shallow river.
Nilsson L.A.F., Thygesen U.H., Lundgren B., Nielsen B.F., Nielsen -
Vertical migration and dispersion of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and
herring (Clupea harengus) schools at dusk in the Baltic Sea.
Prchalová M., Dra?tík V., Kubecka J., Sricharoendham B., Schiemer
F., Vijverberg J. - Acoustic study of fish and invertebrate behaviour
in a tropical reservoir
Brehmer P., Gerlotto F., Guillard J., Sanguinède F., Guénnegan Y.,
Buestel D.- New applications of hydroacoustic methods for monitoring
shallow water aquatic ecosystems: the case of mussel culture grounds.