<b>XIX° International Bioacoustics Congress (IBAC), 2003, </b>
<a href="" eudora="autourl">http://www.ao.com.br/ibac2003.htm</a><br>
The XIX° International Bioacoustics Congress (IBAC) will be held on 10-15
August 2003 in Santa Cruz, Espírito Santo, Brazil.<br>
The following topics will be covered: sound propagation in air and water,
production and reception of acoustic signals, neuro-ethology of sound
communication, evolution and ontogeny of sound communication, learning
processes, marine bioacoustics, equipment and techniques for sound analysis,
The program will include, beside free communications, several wokshops and
eight symposia on special research themes chosen by internationally renowned<br>
Proposals for symposium must be submitted as soon as possible. Suggestions
have already been<br>
received. The final deadline for submission is January 31st. <br>
The Scientific Committee is also receiving proposals for workshops,
round-table discussions and mini-courses. <br>
The site of the XIX IBAC is at <a href=""
for further informations, please contact:<br>
Dr. Maria Luisa da Silva, President<br>
Prof. Dr. Jacques Vielliard, Chairman of the Scientific Committee<br>
XIX International Bioacoustics Congress<br>
<font color="#0000FF"><u>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<br>
</font></u>phone + 55 19 3289 4030<br>
<div>Nicolas MATHEVON</div>
<div>Equipe Communications Acoustiques Animales (The BioAcoustics Team)</div>
<div>NAMC CNRS UMR 8620</div>
<div><a href="" EUDORA=AUTOURL>http://www.cb.u-psud.fr/cb/</a></div>
<div>Département de Biologie, Universite Jean Monnet,</div>
<div>23 rue Michelon, 42023 Saint-Etienne cedex 2, France</div>
<div>tel (33)(0)4 77 48 15 80</div>
<div>fax (33)(0)4 77 25 18 17</div>
<div>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</div>